Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Narrative Script Rough Draft

Scene 1


While the narrator is speaking, a montage of clips are shown in black and white. A female is getting mugged in broad daylight. A male is shown devastated at his torn-down door tag. A group of kids are shown being cut in line by an intimidating male. OFFICER MUFFIN (40s) is shown dozing off only to wake up startled and to be shown having a light bulb go off. CLAIRE, GABBY, AND ZELDA are each brought into the office where Officer Muffin explains to them their duty.

In the year of 2010, the University of Tampa was on a rapid downward spiral. Walking around in the daytime became unsafe. Nametags being viciously ripped down. And the line at Salsa Rico having no structure, with students constantly getting cut. One day, while sleeping on the job, Officer Muffin had a startling dream; he saw the University being restored, but only with the help of three very different girls, Claire, Gabby, and Zelda. He called them into the office, and told them of their destiny and duty to protect the school from harm. From that day forward, all while keeping their identities secret, the girls have been protecting the school. They call for justice, but we call them, “The Security Sirens.”


The Opening Title appears on screen.


Scene 2

Claire is doing sit-ups intensely and her phone VIBRATES. She picks up her phone and there is a text saying, “New Assignment.”

Gabby is shown doing hair flips and her phone VIBRATES. She picks it up and has the same text.

Zelda is studying environmental science when her phone VIBRATES. She picks it up and has the same text.

Gabby is shown pacing nervously in her room when Claire enters from the left.

Hey just got the text, what gives Gab?

Zelda enters from the right.

Came as soon as I could. What’s our new assignment ladies?

I don’t know, Officer Muffin should Facetime us any minute now. Look he’s calling now!

Gabby takes out her phone and holds it up so the three girls can see.

Three girls
Officer Muffin!

Officer Muffin via. Facetime
Hello ladies. I’m sure you’re wondering about your new assignment. We’re calling him or her, “The Printurgaler.” They’ve already messed with the printers in the computer lab, making all the printers only be able to print out pictures of Fergie on the set of her music video from London Bridge. Our instincts tell us that he or she will strike again, and it’s up to you girls stop them! Good luck Sirens. (Hangs up.)

Sounds like a task only for (three girls together) The Security Sirens.

Let’s split up and look for clues. Claire, you hit up the gym, I’ll check out in the courtyard, and Zelda, you take Plant Park.

(screams) We must defeat the Printburgaler!

Shh! If you’re too loud, my RA will…

A door busts open, and the RA enters. His name is HARRY.


Harry slams the door.

What a nightmare! Come on girls we don’t have much time.

The girls split up.

Scene 3

A montage of clips are shown as music is being played and the girls search for clues.

First, Claire is shown in the gym looking keeping a close eye on fellow gym-goers. She sees an iPod on the floor. She picks it up and examines it for a little before smirking and running away with it cautiously.

Gabby is shown applying lip stick outside of the courtyard, spying on everybody. When she sees a backpack left unattended, she scurries over to it and finds a picture of Kate Winslet. She sneakily puts it in her purse and hurries off.

Zelda is outside at Plant Park examining the Spanish Moss and other leaves. When she finds a plant that looks unsuaul, she makes a perplexed face before sealing it in a plastic bag and hurrying off as well.

Scene 4

The girls are sitting at a table looking sad.

Guys, this is hopeless!

Don’t say that!

Yeah Gabby don’t give up, mother nature is signaling to me that we’re gonna nail this Printburgaler.

Yeah, once he deals with us, he’ll have to leave the country and go to England or something!

England…? Wait a minute, Claire didn’t you say that the iPod you found at the gym was mostly SClub 7?

Yeah, so?

SClub 7, Kate Winslet, the London Bridge Music Video… it’s all British!

According to my lab results, the different kind of leaf I found in Plant Park originated from England!

But what do all these random unrelated British things mean?

It means that Printurgaler is…

Scene 5

Harry is frantically typing all sorts of interesting on his computer.

Harry (to himself)
This is it! All I have to do is hit enter, and every printer at this bloody school will only be able to print pictures of Elton John, Twiggy, and Kate Middleton! Muahahaha… Oh look I have a new email. Hmm, it’s from The Security Sirens… the subject of the e-mail is justice. Hmm wonder what that could mean? Would you like to hear the audio of this email? Why of course, I love emails with music!

Harry Opens the email and “Sweet Home Alabama” starts playing.

Oh no! Sweet Home Alabama! The most American song known to man! I’m melting I’m melting!

Harry melts into a puddle of smoothie.

Scene 6

The girls are back in the office with Officer Muffin.

Officer Muffin
Well Sirens, you’ve done it again. The Printurgaler is dead and it’s all thanks to you. The guys are making breakfast back at the station. You guys want some English Muffins.

Oh no sir, no English muffins for us!

But maybe we’ll have an omlette…


Three Girls

Everyone fake laughs.


The End

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Logline and Treatment/Synopsis

Michael Kelleher
Professor King
COM 241
10 October 2012
Logline and Treatment
Logline: Three girls who are secret campus safety agents must defend their school from an unidentified villain who plans on disconnecting the library printers.

Claire, Gabby, and Zelda are all very different girls, however they all share one thing in common; they are secret agents of campus safety at the University of Tampa, and their latest mission may be the most difficult of all. The girls must figure out the villain who is planning on disconnecting all of the library printers, which would cause havoc throughout the whole school, before it’s too late!
            The girls split up and each use their strengths to try and find out who plans on executing this evil plan. As they find more and more clues they are each drawn to the same spot where they find who is causing all this mischief. They figure out that it’s… their RA! Their evil RA wanted to get revenge on the school for his residents being insensitive to his British culture. Right before this evil mastermind can accomplish his goal, the three girls stab him to death and save the school and library once again.
            As the three girls walk back to their room, they meet their new RA and share a sentimental moment with one another, knowing that they were responsible for keeping the school safe and sound.