Sunday, September 23, 2012

Color Tint Assignment

Michael Kelleher

Professor King

COM 241

24 September 2012

Lighting Tint Assignment

            In one of the later scenes in James Cameron’s Titanic, Rose and Jack are in the water, as Rose is keeping afloat on a piece of the boat while back holds onto the side in the water; she then shortly realizes that Jack is dead. One of the ways the blue tint works so well here, is to show the coldness of the scene. The characters are obviously in freezing water, and the blue tint makes even the person watching it feel colder. The blue tint on the characters’ faces make it seem like they are absolutely freezing and gives you a sense of desperateness. It makes Rose's face appear even paler than usual, creating a sense of how vulnerability in the character. The blue tint is also used to enhance the location of the scene; it’s the nighttime in this part of the film, and it makes the whole energy of the scene feel dark and hopeless. The blue tint also works well as it complements the large open black sky and the dark water. 

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